Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Are You Listing?

It's another Wild, Wonderful Wednesday.

Today I was going through my lists. You know them - to do, grocery, honey-do - the list goes on.

I've always been a list maker. The mere act of making a list, plants that info in the brain recesses some where.
Now  to find where it is stored when we need it.

I practice with my lists. When I make a grocery list, I go through the store and shop without the list. As I get ready to go to the register, I pull out that list to see if I missed anything or got something that wasn't on the list.
That's the other reason for a list - to battle the budget.

Now why would you do that? I do it to exercise my brain muscle. Just like all the muscles in our body, the use it or lose it axiom applies. I really didn't think about it when I was younger. Now having crossed over the half century mark, I think about it more. I do more puzzles, anything that will challenge that really hard headed muscle of mine.

Fitness is about a TOTAL Body & Soul. The core is our powerhouse for our bodies but the brain is the master mind ( well of course what else would it be LOL) and it needs to work to stay healthy.

Even the best worked brain can not always overcome the environmental damages that we are exposed to daily. Where are we exposed to the most environmental pollutants and toxins?
IN OUR VERY OWN HOMES. Yes, that's right and you can do the research to verify this. It's out there by the long ton.

Look under you kitchen or bathroom sink, in the laundry room every where you store cleaning products. Oh I know, we all sorta know about the cleaning products. But are you aware that your personal care products are culprits in the indoor air pollution in our homes.

There are many alternatives out there and no matter which one you choose -  YOU NEED TO CHOOSE HEALTHIER, SAFER PRODUCTS FOR YOUR HOME. Get to researching, find the ones that work for you and Green up your home and the environment at the same time.

Don't let your brain, or your ship, or your body list. The only listing needs to be on paper. Make that to do list now. Wednesday's are great days to over come procrastination - it's own list of to dos.

And now I can cross this off my To Do List.

Till Next week

Did You Know - Banana Trees aren't trees at all but perennial herbs. It doesn't have a true trunk but a single stem with many leaves wrapped around it. The stem emerges at the top where it produces edible flowers & fruits.

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